These prophetic figures offer up some morbid predictions ahead of 2025 (2025)

European powers could clash with England, a return of the plague will sweep the globe and the world will make contact with extraterrestrials in 2025, according to some of the 'most accurate' psychics from both history and present day.

Writing in the esteemedLes Prophéties,French astrologer Nostradamus predicted and grim fate for this year - warning England would see 'cruel wars' break out from 'her flanks', creating 'foes from within and without'.

Meanwhile, late Bulgarian psychic,Baba Vanga - dubbed'Nostradamus of the Balkans' also predicted that the world will be ravaged by earthquakes and that Europe will be rocked by a devastating war.

Baba Vanga accurately predicted9/11, the death of Princess Diana and the rise of Chinabefore her death in 1996.

Meanwhile Nostradamus, who lived in France in the 16th Century andhas been dubbed history's 'most famous seer' - predicteda 'decrease in the influence of established Western countries' and the 'emergence of new world powers' as a prolonged conflict comes in 2025.

It is not just these historical figures who seemingly hold the answers to the future though, with present day 'prophets'Athos Salomé and Joshua Giles also making some bold assertions such as the rise of AI and the collapse of the banking system as we currently know it.

Here, FEMAIL look at how accurate these 'psychics' predictions were in previous years and what they forecast is in store for the upcoming year.

Nostradamus predictions from 2024

Despite having died nearly 500-years ago, predictions by the French astrologer Nostradamus (pictured) roll around each year - and have apparently predicted a number of future events including the rise of Napoleon and the World Wars

2024 was quite the year.

New world leaders were elected in the UK and US; unresolved conflict ongoing in Ukraine and the Middle East; and the cultural phenomenon that were Taylor Swift and Charli xcx's Brat.

But whenNostradamus left his predictions last year, it appeared as though there was little to look forward to.

He accurately predicted there would be ongoing climate issues across the world.

'The dry earth will grow more parched / And there will be great floods when it is seen,' wrote Nostradamus.

Extreme weather events have ravaged the globe, including unprecedented floods in Valencia, Spain, and devastating storms in Europe and the Americas.

In June, Hurricane Beryl became the earliest-ever Category 5 storm, causing destruction across the Caribbean and Texas.

Which of Nostradamus's 2024 predictions did not come true?

Many thought this would leave Prince Harry in his place, with the prophet writing that the ruler would be overtaken by 'one who will have no mark of a king'

Nostradamus also thought that the world would see a new Pope, predicting the death of the 88-year-old Pope Francis - a prediction that looked grimly accurate with the pontiff reportedly suffering with a number of health issues last year

But despite his purportedly accurate track record, the 16th century astrologer fell flat on a number of predictions this year, with his gloomy forecast failing to materialise in numerous areas.

In amongst hisquatrain for 2024 was the worrying note 'Red adversary will become pale with fear, putting the great Ocean in dread' - a prediction that many believe this was related to something happening in China.

Despite the UK not being on the best of terms with China - this didn't appear to reach full fruition, despite the daunting prediction.

There was also some who believed that one of hisquatrains referred to the abdication of Charles III and even Prince Harry taking over as king.

Read MoreEXCLUSIVE 'Living Nostradamus' reveals his terrifying predictions for 2025

One of the passages said that a 'King of the Isles' will be 'driven out by force.'

Many thought this would leave Prince Harry in his place, with the prophet writing that the ruler would be overtaken by 'one who will have no mark of a king'.

Nostradamus also thought that the world would see a new Pope, predicting the death of the 88-year-old Pope Francis - a prediction that looked grimly accurate with the pontiff reportedly suffering with a number of health issues last year.

'Through the death of a very old Pontiff / A Roman of good age will be elected / Of him it will be said that he weakens his see / But long will he sit and in biting activity,' he wrote.

As with predictions from both, however, forecasts made are up for interpretation and many perceive them as carrying different meanings.

The mystic believed 2025 would see European powers clash with England, devastating the country and spawning new 'foes'.

Nostradamus also expected 2025 to bring pioneering advances in medicine but that England will be faced yet again with the plague, as well as battle devastating wars.

'When those from the lands of Europe, see England set up her throne behind. Her flanks, there will be cruel wars. The kingdom will be marked by wars so cruel, foes from within and without will arise.'

Many also believe the oracle has predicted the return on the 17th century plague in the words: 'A great pestilence from the past returns, no enemy more deadly under the skies.'

Many also believe the oracle has predicted the return on the 17th century plague in the words: 'A great pestilence from the past returns, no enemy more deadly under the skies'

His prediction that there will be 'a decrease in the influence of established Western countries and the emergence of new world powers' appears to align with current global tensions.

In an even more worrying prediction, he suggested next year would see a 'fireball from the cosmos' devastate the earth.

'From the cosmos, a fireball will rise, a harbinger of fate, the world pleads. Science and fate in a cosmic dance, the fate of the Earth, a second chance.'

Though it is possible human extinction will result in the Earth's 'second chance', and that the earth will recover from people's exploitation of resources.

He also anticipated that climate change might cause natural disasters in Brazil, home to the Amazon rainforest.

He went on: 'Garden of the world near the new city, In the path of the hollow mountains: It will be seized and plunged into the tub, forced to drink waters poisoned by sulphur.'

Nostradamus had prophesied that an extended war through 2024, like the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, would come to an end next year when the armies are spent.

'Through long war all the army exhausted, so that they do not find money for the soldiers; instead of gold or silver, they will come to coin leather, Gallic brass, and the crescent sign of the Moon,' he wrote.

Gaul is the historical name for France. Gallic may refer to France or the French.

He did go on to suggest that 'great powers will clash' and the influence of the West would wane.

Some of his claims were more absurd. Nostradamus believed that a 'mysterious leader' would rise from the sea during the chaos and form an 'aquatic empire'.

Though it's not all bad. He also imagined that medial technology would advance even further this year - despite the UK set to battle another bout of plague.

He suggested there would be 'significant improvements in illness prevention and treatment' - a theory which is set to come true with the upcoming year anticipating advances in personalised medicine, AI and other areas of healthcare.

Despite the frightful prediction Nostradamus has predicted events until 3797, suggesting it might not all be doom and gloom.

Baba Vanga's predictions for 2025

Baba lost her sight at the age of 12 after a freak storm hit her village, but she claimed her vision of the future only grew stronger after that - right up until her death in 1996

Baba Vanga, born in 1911 as Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, wrote before she died that 2025 would see earthquakes ravage the world as Europe is rocked by a devastating war.

Baba lost her sight at the age of 12 after a freak storm hit her village, but she claimed her vision of the future only grew stronger after that - right up until her death in 1996.

Throughout her life, she made a series of predictions that have since become chillingly accurate, including major events like the 9/11 attacks and the death of Princess Diana.

Vanga made a series of alarming predictions for 2024, from climate crises to economic turmoil.

Baba Vanga predicted a worldwide economic crisis that would cause rising tensions everywhere.

While the UK's economy grew this year, millions of people are still relying on food banks and struggling with inflation.

In a further blow to Brits, Rachel Reeves delivered a massive £40billion 'tax bomb' Budget in October, as she mounted what looks set to be the biggest raid in history in the Commons.

The OBR watchdog downgraded growth and warned inflation will stay higher in the UK, potentially derailing hopes of interest rate cuts, after the monster tax and spend bonanza.

Job cuts and financial uncertainty are making things tough globally, so it's safe to say her prediction wasn't too far off.

Extreme weather events have ravaged the globe, including unprecedented floods in Valencia, Spain, and devastating storms in Europe and the Americas

Another big prediction from Baba was an environmental meltdown, and 2024 has definitely delivered on that front.

We're on track to have the hottest year on record, and the weather's been unforgiving in several regions across the globe.

Meanwhile, Vietnam endured powerful wind and rain as Typhoon Yagi ravaged the East Asian country, while Mexico faced deadly heatwaves.

It seems like the climate is in full crisis mode, just like Baba foresaw.

Baba also foresaw major medical advances in cancer and Alzheimer's treatment - and this year, the world saw real progress.

Doctors have unveiled new diagnostic tests capable of detecting cancer in children under 18,and there were big breakthroughs in treating cervical cancer.

In the realm of Alzheimer's, clinical trials have shown promising results, with the approval of disease-modifying treatments in the UK.

Lecanemab is the first treatment that has been found to curb the condition – slowing cognitive decline by 27 per cent, offering new hope to those affected by the condition.

While the UK's economy grew this year, millions of people are still relying on food banks and struggling with inflation

How good is Baba Vanga's record?


Prediction: Baba Vanga's 2019 forecasts were very similar to her 2020 and 2021 predictions, foreseeing illness for Trump and an assassination attempt against Putin. She also predicted a European economic collapse.

Result: Trump and Putin have both survived although Trump did catch coronavirus in October 2020. Europe's economy has taken a huge hit due to Covid this year.


Prediction: China would become the next great superpower and a new form of energy would emerge on Venus.

Result: China's status as a global power has risen since Baba Vanga's death, but there is no reason to single out 2018. There was no major discovery on Venus.


Prediction: America's 44th president would be the last one. According to some versions, she also predicted he would be black.

Result: Barack Obama was indeed the first African-American president. But Donald Trump became the 45th president in January 2017.


Prediction: The mystic pointed to 2016 as the year that Europe would 'cease to exist', making a dire prediction of 'empty spaces and wasteland, nearly devoid of any form of life'.

Result: Europe was rattled by the 2016 Brexit result but 'cease to exist' is an extreme interpretation.


Prediction: 'A huge wave will cover a big coast covered with people and towns, and everything will disappear beneath the water.Everything will melt, just like ice.'

Result: The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami brought devastation toIndonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and other countries, killingmore than 230,000.

2001: 9/11 ATTACKS

Prediction: Baba Vanga predicted 'horror' for the US, warning in 1989 that 'the American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds'.

Result: Four hijacked planes brought terror to America on 9/11, killing nearly 3,000 people. 'Steel birds' could be read as a reference to the jets.


Prediction: In 1979, Baba Vanga predicted a future Russian dominance under 'Vladimir's glory' in which the country would become 'lord of the world'.

Result: Russia does have a strongman leader called Vladimir, but Moscow has lost its status as a superpower since 1979.

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Which of Baba Vanga's 2024 predictions did not come true?

Despite a number of Baba's prophecies coming true this year, not every prediction hit the mark.

One of her significant predictions for 2024 was the use of biological weapons by a powerful country.

While global tensions are high, especially with Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine, thankfully this one didn't come to pass - for now, at least.

As we look toward 2025, Baba Vanga's predictions for the coming year are both intriguing and terrifying.

One of her significant predictions for 2024 was the use of biological weapons by a powerful country.

While global tensions are high, especially with Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine, thankfully this one didn't come to pass - for now, at least.

Her supposed predictions run until the year 5079 when she believes the world will come to an end.

The mystic previously claimed the American president would suffer deafness and mortal illness in 2021, while Europe braced for a chemical attack from Muslim extremists.

Her predicted 'great Muslim war' in Europe has obviously not materialised.

The strange obsession extended to claims Europe would be dominated by Muslim rule by 2043, and that Communism would spread around the world in 2076.

By 2028, she expects that humans will begin to explore Venus as an energy source.

The second planet from the Sun has a surface temperature of 465C and is uninhabitable.

Baba, who died at the age of 85 in 1996, was also known as the 'Nostradamus of the Balkans.'

Predictions for 2025

Now, as the year comes to a close, some of her predictions for 2024 seem to have come true in surprising ways - while others still remain unfulfilled.

Before she died in 1996, the psychic wrote that 2025 would see earthquakes ravage the world as Europe is rocked by a devastating war.

'Russia will not only survive,' she wrote. 'It will dominate the world,' she said.

Baba Vanga also suggested that next year would see Putin re-elected as Russia's leader.

Putin was re-elected earlier this year, and Russia is not due another presidential election until 2030.

She also predicted a devastating war in Europe that would decimate the continent's population, and more catastrophic natural events, including the eruption of dormant volcanoes.

Specifically, she mentioned an earthquake along the west coast of the United States.

California has experienced strong tremors in the past, including a 7.1 magnitude quake in 2019. None died.

Like Nostradamus, she also predicted that scientists would make a breakthrough in medicine, namely in lab-grown organs helping facilitate transplants.

She also predicted that telepathy would finally become a reality, an idea that has captivated scientists and futurists alike.

Perhaps most intriguingly, Baba claimed that humanity will make contact with extraterrestrial life during a major sporting event.'

Athos Salomé, 38, from Brazil, who is often referred to as the 'living Nostradamus' as he successfully predicted numerous global events has now revealed what is in store for 2025

'LivingNostradamus' predictions for 2025

Athos Salomé, 38, from Brazil, who is often referred to as the 'living Nostradamus', has previously had a number of foresights turn out to be true. He predicted the coronavirus pandemic, Queen Elizabeth's death and the Microsoft global outage.

Now, the psychic warns that 2025 will be the year that 'humanity may lose control of technology.'

Salomé said the coming year is one of radical innovation, but also of unprecedented challenges.

With the rise of artificial intelligence, quantum computing and medical advances, he says the world could be on the brink of revolutionary progress - or imminent disaster.

Speaking to Femail, Salomé says 2025 will be the turning point. On one hand – scientific potential can provide people with efficient tools to solve numerous problems, on the other – we will see the perspective of using technology 'cluelessly'

He added: 'It will also hold key question answers that are important to the coming year. Are we building a progression into the future or are we barrelling ourselves into a world of confusion?

'It appears that the world is now at what may turn out to be the most critical cross roads ever.'

Salomé's technological predictions for 2025

Salomé predicts that 2025 will be the year when artificial intelligence reaches unimaginable levels.

He said: 'Advanced systems will be able to operate in multiple domains at the same time, mimicking human reasoning.

Salomé's previously successful predictions

2019-Predicted the Covid-19 pandemic

2022- Russia's invasion of Ukraine

2022- The death of Queen Elizabeth

2022- Elon Musk buying X (Twitter)

2024-The global microsoft outage

2024-Paris Olympics cyberattacks

2024- Vietnam's Typhoon Yagi

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'An AI will be able to design buildings, plan advertising campaigns and diagnose diseases in a matter of seconds. But as we transfer so much power to machines, the question arises: what happens if we lose control?'

Discussing quantum computing's potential for chaos, Salomé said: 'Quantum computing, previously restricted to experimental laboratories, could soon solve practical problems.

Salomé also warned that governments, banks and institutions could face an unprecedented cyber crisis.

On the prospect of AI benefitting humanity, he said: 'Imagine a future where human brains can connect directly to artificial intelligence.

'This technology could treat neurological diseases, but it also poses a frightening risk: mental invasion and manipulation of thoughts.

'Are we ready to give up the last stronghold of privacy - our minds?'

Now, the psychic warns that 2025 will be the year that 'humanity may lose control of technology' (stock image)

Salomé added: 'Implantable chips are on their way to becoming popular. These devices will monitor health, connect users to the internet and potentially allow real-time tracking.

'For many, this sounds liberating; for others, it is the harbinger of a world where we are constantly watched.'

In 2025, Salomé predicts that government digital currencies will consolidate.

He explained: 'Transactions will be fast but completely traceable, raising serious concerns about privacy.

'Governments will have absolute control over digital money, being able to freeze accounts or monitor every purchase.'

Salomé also warns of an increase in cyber attacks, capable of paralysing power grids, hospitals and banking systems.

He said: 'In a polarised global scenario, these weapons could become the main tools of conflict between powers.'

The possibility of finally discovering extraterrestrial life was also muted bySalomé: 'Thanks to James Webb telescope, humanity might finally get the answer to the existence of alien life, while governments like the US may declassify UFO files.

'If true, these discoveries could revolutionise one’s view about the universe in which we exist – and about ourselves.'

Giles is a founder of Kingdom Embassy Worship Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota , and author of the upcoming book 'When God Speaks' (Joshua Giles/Baker Publishing Group)

Preacher Joshua Giles's predictions for 2025

A Christian prophet who claims to see visions from God has shared a disturbing prediction for 2025: 'There will be war.'

Preacher Joshua Giles, a founder of Kingdom Embassy Worship Center in Minneapolis, told he has been receiving visions, dreams and messages from God since he was a young child.

He began having visions in the summer of 2023 about the what is to come next year, which he said showed increased violence in the US.

He said: 'One of the recent prophecies that I shared was about rising terror attacks that I saw against the US. I believe that there's going to be more darkness or evil on the rise.'

This is not the first prediction made by the pastor. In 2020 - years before the violence between Israel and Hamas broke out in October 2023- he saw 'an outbreak again of violence and war' in Israel and the Middle East.

While some of the visions and messages are grim, Giles said the coming year will also be a period of hope.

'I saw certain cures that would come for common diseases that people have thought would be incurable, and doctors have said were incurable,' he explained.

'I saw us coming into a period of advancement in medicine and technology where there would be certain cancers that would be cured and other diseases that would be cured.'

Giles is a founder of Kingdom Embassy Worship Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota , and author of the upcoming book 'When God Speaks' (Joshua Giles/Baker Publishing Group)

He said rather than being a 'grim vision' for the world, it's a 'bittersweet' time with a mixture of darkness, light and hope.

'I was told 2025 would have the potential to be an entrance into an era of war for the world, and I know what we've seen in Ukraine and in Israel, but I did see a widening of those conflicts in certain areas,' Giles said.

'I've been praying for this period before we got here, praying for peace and just, you know, believing that some of these things can be averted.

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'God showed me that these conflicts would have the potential to spark into something wider that might pull in America and other nations.'

The prophecies for 2025 have been running through his head for nearly five years, which he said came to him during prayer.

He told this website he has since been contacted by people in the government about his predictions.

He said: 'One of the recent prophecies that I shared was about rising terror attacks that I saw against the United States, and so I really do believe that this is just an era of that, that we're just kind of coming into I believe that there's going to be more darkness or evil on the rise.'

Giles accurately predicted the Israel conflict, weeks before it happened

But Giles said there are reasons to hope.

'I would encourage anyone to focus on the good, because there is a lot of good in the world,' he said.

Giles added: 'When I get an opportunity to meet people, I travel throughout the nations, preaching and sharing the gospel, and I meet people from every cultural background.

'I've been to over 30 nations, and there is so much more hope and love and good in people, and some of the darkness and evil that we see, I think that gets amplified.

'I believe that God will give us all wisdom and peace to navigate when challenges do arise, like some of these visions that I've shared.'

These prophetic figures offer up some morbid predictions ahead of 2025 (2025)
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